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Six Tips for Buying Furniture for Your New Home

Congratulations on purchasing your new home! This is a major achievement and we are very excited for and proud of you. You probably cannot wait to furnish your new home. It is important that you do not become overeager and make the wrong furniture choices in the process. Just as you toured various Owensboro homes and finally selected a home that supports and reflects your personality and lifestyle, you should have the same thought process when buying furniture. Read below for six tips for buying furniture for your new home.

  1. Determine your budget – You just bought a home. This was a lifechanging and expensive purchase. You should set a budget and stick to it so that you purchase items that you can afford.
  2. Plan out what you need – Do not feel pressured or obligated to rush out and fully furnish your home right away. You have just moved in so it is important to visualize how you would like the space to look. Take stock of what you already have and compile a list of what you will need to furnish your home.
  3. Use a tape measure – Do no trust your eye or instincts when it comes to purchasing your furniture. Take out the tape measure to make sure what you are considering will fit into your space. Not only should your furniture fit the space, but it should also look good in it. You do not want a tight and crowded feel that you will not comfortable in. Make sure your furniture will fit through the doorways and hallways of your home.
  4. Start with the most commonly used rooms first – It may be easier to decorate one room of your home at a time. Buy furniture for the rooms you spend the most time in, such as the bedroom, kitchen, and living room. Shop around to find what is best for you. There is also nothing wrong with buying furniture piece by piece either.
  5. Buy furniture that reflects your personality and lifestyle – You may like that well curated look from a magazine page or showroom. But will mimicking that look work well for you and your space? You want to make sure the style matches your own style and personality. Would you like something a little more traditional or something more contemporary? Do you want a bold color scheme or more of a neutral color palette? Will glass furniture or accessories work or do you have smaller children to worry about?
  6. Make sure it is comfortable – We suggest trying out your furniture before purchasing it. From fabrics to buying something that is too hard or too soft, the last thing you want to do is buy something that does not feel right and is not comfortable.

We hope these tips will help guide you in purchasing furniture for your new home. If you happen to be in the market for a new home, we hope that you will consider one from Thompson Homes. We build in several Owensboro homes communities that would be perfect for your family. Contact us at 270-926-1740 for details, or visit us online at www.ThompsonHomesInc..com.

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